Monday, April 30, 2007

40th Month On His Own Bed

I'm so proud to my eldest son, that it wasn't a tough effort for both of us, his moving to a big bed. He's been sleeping beside us for years. From 4months to a year, he was sleeping in a cot, until we arrived here in the Philippines and he got sick, so we decided to move him beside us when he was 1.2 years old. And from then on, till two weeks ago, he was sleeping next to me or us when his Dad is around.

But I came to a decision which almost break my heart (sob!). We have to transfer him to his own dozing place. As in his own bed, his own blanket, own mattress, own pillows, own bedframe. His baby brother will be arriving few days from now, and we cannot afford to sleep all together in one bed. That is for Jett and Jedd to have a sound sleep without distracting one another, so we have to separate ways.

It wasn't possible to switch him to other room since we have very limited space, so we went to a fabrication of Paluchina woods double decker bed near our place, and asked a made to order 36x48 size of double bed.

When the Paluchina bed was done, I did not compel Jett right away, to sleep in the upper deck (me and the new baby will be staying in the lower deck). What I did was, I let him to get use to it, by playing upbed, watching tv there, lying down, etc. I also bought a Mr. Incredibles comforter, bedsheet, and pillow cases, all uniformed, so he will think that it was just an extension of his play space. And then I decorated the room with a wallpaper and a Winnie the Pooh border, since he knows Pooh well. And then put a glow in the dark ceiling paper with different shapes in it, stars, mooons, hearts, etc. I then purchased a kiddie side lamp in a shape of a cow, with yellow and blue patches, which is a very good instrument to easily lull him to dreamland upon looking at it.

And then, the B-day came, here are the patterns:

First night - I put Jett to bed (upper deck) and waited for him until he fell asleep. He woke up and cried at 4o'clock dawn, and then moved back in my bed. We ended up sleeping for the night together.

Second night - After his bedtime routine and bedtime lessons (ABCs, shapes, numbers, and colors), I put him to bed still awake. Tuck inside his blanket, said his prayers, and then I bid him a goodnight kiss, and went back to my bed. Take note that he was still awake as I said my goodnight. He woke up like 4 times the whole night. But I stand strong, that he should stay in his bed. Everytime he wakes up, I go up to him, tap him a little, and retender my goodnight, then leave.

Third night - Same routine as the second night, but this time, he woke up only once at dawn. But he remained in bed, and I remained on my own.

Fourth night - He had a sound sleep throughout the night. And I was left being half-sleep all night. Missing my son sleeping beside me, huhu!

Up to now, he is sleeping on his own hassle-free. The ending, I am the one who had a hard time adjusting to our new setup, hehe. Well, seriously, I was sad, that after all these years, Jett has to move on his own bed to give way to his little brother. I know that eventually, he will switch to his own bed, or own room, but I never thought it would be as early as now that he is only 3 years at age, sigh! I was left with no choice, and had to do this now, even before baby Jedd enters our lives, so everybody is well adapted by the time he comes, including myself. It took me a while before it finally came to my senses that Jett is a grown-up now. There were even nights and naps, that I cried (no kidding!), with that realization. Oh well, you can always blame it to the hormonal changes, haha!

Well, the good news is. I am okay now. Jett is okay now. I think, we are both ready for the D-day (delivery)!

Congratulations Jett! Another milestone ... another achievement! Me and Daddy are so proud of you son! We love you!

Created by Lisa Carter