Thursday, July 13, 2006

Finally, they arrived!

At last, the long wait is over! The HMO cards are finally here. I've been waiting for this for sometime now. Well, the problem was, I was tossed-up between Maxicare and Medicard (we settled with the latter), and the responses are taking a while for my queries since my only means are sms and e-mail (here in Marilao). And the marketing people nowadays, are happened to be outdated, whew!

I have my own life-hospital-accident insurance all in one. The deal was kinda give-away, 10years to pay with 20years coverage and double the coverage on the 10th year onwards, so it was really worth the purchase. Well, if you are interested, just email or ym me okay? hahaha! Ooops, I'm not an agent okay?

Anyway, I therefore spared myself as included in the HMO dependents since I'm already covered. I only avail Jett and hubby for the health care coverage. FYI, hubby's company doesn't offer such privilege. You know, they just work, and they got paid, no strings attached, and that's that. So the lesser the dependents, the lesser the HMO premium we have to pay through our own.

For now, I turned complacent, that bills are the least of our concern when it comes to our wellness. I strongly feel that every household members should have one, coz you can never tell...

May you have a well worthy day ahead of you! Ciao!